Hi all, happy 2025. At this moment in time I am writing you on Chinese New Year and also the end of Jan. 2025. I can see that there has been some confusion online to what I like and do not like I am going make a clear and clean cut list:
- Rape is wrong. Consent is always key in communication and I strongly believe in it.
- I will never do porn or only fans porn. If you see it, it is AI. If it is with me with Brad Pitt or anyone else, I didn’t agree to any of it. I have a niece who I love and I want her to know that you can be a woman who is smart and bright in the world. You don’t have to sell you body or your soul to be successful in this world.
- I love food and scents. That is apart of a happy life. I love Starbucks, cooking, cleaning, making art (any medium), inventing, designing and adding to our universe to make it a better place.
- Always save your money and don’t share too much information about your personal life.
- Don’t give up on yourself and others because we all need each other in other to make this a world we can live in.